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'Accept your sentence and don't be cocky' East Anglian Daily Times Sunday May 3 2014 by Paul Geater


'Aitken to catwalk free' The Times April 28 2014


'Jonathan Aitken calls for Prison 'mentors' to tackle reoffending' Observer 20 April 2014


'At home with the Iron Lady Katie Jarvis meets Jonathan Aitken to talk about his fascinating new biography of Margaret Thatcher, prison reform and the much underrated experience of failure' Cotswold Life April 2014


The Observer – Review of Prisonomics by Vicky Pryce – 27 October 2013


The Spectator Diary – 24th October 2013


The Sun – 9 May 2013 – Cons’ 1st hope on the outside – My View


Daily Telegraph 5 January 2013 – Nixon’s dark side has obscured his greatness


A Man Transformed – Christianity Today – June 2012


The Guardian – 25 May 2012 – Let the right to vote be a step towards rehabilitation


Sunday Telegraph - 15 January 2012 – I feel emotionally fonder of Mrs Thatcher as the years roll by


The Times – 26th August 2011 – Forget Jacqui Smith. Prisoners need to do a day’s labour


The Times 13th August 2011 – Rioters need the discipline of a tough military jail


Daily Telegraph – Getting out of prison – 4th August 2011


Profile of Jonathan Aitken – Macleans Magazine of Canada


Mail on Sunday Live Magazine – 17 July 2011 – Career Suicide: An Insider’s Guide


Winners Dinners at The Clink – by Michael Winner: Sunday Times 17.7.11


Daily Mail – 24 May 2011 – Confess! Article on Superinjunctions


The Times, 13 January 2011 – Article on Sentencing


The Independent – 8 January 2011 – Article on David Chaytor’s Prison Sentence


News of the World – 26 December 2010 – Article about Tommy Sheridan


The Times – 7 December 2010 – Article on the Green Paper on Criminal Justice


Daily Mail – Jonathan Aitken’s “Letter to My Teacher” to Sister Mary Finbar - 25 November 2010


Financial Times Column by Harry Eyres about Jonathan Aitken in Pentonville – 20 November 2010


The Times – 3 November 2010 – Allowing Prisoners to Have the Vote would be Criminal


The Times – 13 September 2010 – Raking Up The Past Gives Protection to No-One


The Mail on Sunday – 25 July 2010 – Prisons are Full of People Who Shouldn’t Be There


Evening Standard – 22 July 2010 – On Conrad Black’s Release from Prison


The Times – 1 July 2010 – Prison Works: It’s ouside that it all goes wrong


The Daily Mail – 30 May 2010 – Departure of the Chief Secretary to the Treasury


The Sunday Times – 7 March 2010 – Kazakh jails show Aitken way to reform


TheGuardian – 30 January 2010 – The Chilcot Enquiry


The Daily Mail – 23 December 2009 – Spirituality is Making a Comeback


The Guardian – 8 June 2009 – A Second Chance


Guardian Editorial Commenting on Locked Up Potential, the Centre for Social Justice Report which Jonathan Aitken Chaired and Authored – 24 March 2009



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If you wish to contact The Revd Jonathan Aitken please email:                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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